Saturday, December 22, 2018

Long Hair Care: How To Keep Them Beautiful

Long hair does not just need, but deserves more attention. By the time a hair reaches shoulder length it has already managed to survive for at least three years. This means that it has continued to grow by exceeding at least three hundred shampoos, not to mention any colors! 

Long Hair: Admire The Appearance Of Long Hair Treated With Love:
This is the truth for all long hair: from the scalp to the tip, the hair becomes increasingly sensitive and subject to damage. Anyone wearing long hair is terrified of split ends. The safest and most drastic remedy, once the hair has split into two or more fibers, is the cut, but it can be avoided by using split ends repair products and checking the health of the Hair Transplant Cost In Lahore regularly. By doing so, you will have the opportunity to use the most suitable products for their care.

The way to take care of long hair is different than short hair and this gives rise to another challenge. There should be nothing to make the hair adhere to the scalp, while the use of abundant balsam is necessary towards the ends. It's a great challenge but using the right products will give excellent results. 

Nine Tips For Long Hair Care:
Doing just shampooing is not enough for long hair, whatever it is. You should always use the conditioner after shampooing and take specific care once a week. 

Brush your hair before washing it so that the shampoo creates less tangles and knots. 

Never make a ponytail with wet hair. The loose hair dries faster as well as the fact that wet hair is more sensitive and subject to abuse. Even a simple rubber band could ruin them. 

Never rub wet hair with a towel: rather, press it at the roots and push it slowly towards the ends of the hair. 

Metal clips or elastics without fabric lining should not be used. Over time, they make their hair fragile. 

Keep your hair loose at home. Treat them gently avoiding hairstyles like ponytails, pigtails or braids. Put a band (but avoid plastic ones) if the hair on your face annoys you. 

Let the hair dry itself when possible. 

When possible, select the cold air setting on the hair dryer. If you need to use warm air, keep a distance of at least 6 cm between the head and the nozzle of the hair dryer. 

Brushing hair with natural bristles gives splendor: more natural bristles per square centimeter has a brush plus the radiance of the hair will be evident. Find out more about hair care.

Hair Dictionary: Important Information On Hair skill

What are your hair made of? Why do some people suffer from dandruff? How much can the hair grow? Consult our hair dictionary to find out interesting information about hair without neglecting some curious definition. 

Hair Color:
The pigments in hair follicles give the hair its natural color. The pigments are produced within specific pigment cells and are then transported through small channels to the keratinocytes, thus permeating the PRP Treatment Center In Lahore with color. In general, people with dark hair have a higher concentration of pigments than blond people. 

Cuticle Layer:
The cuticle layer forms the outermost covering of the hair. It consists of a single layer of keratinocytes similar to overlapping scales. The conditions of this external layer are indicative of the state of health of the hair. In an optimal situation, the keratinocyte scales are flat and form a smooth coating around the cortex protecting the inside of the capillary stem against external harmful agents. If the cuticle layer around the hair is intact, the structure is smooth and shiny. The hair shine is therefore a sign of healthy hair. 

In contrast, the cuticle layer in stressed hair (due to discoloration, permanent and frequent drying with very hot hair dryer) appears disorganized and rough. Under these conditions, harmful agents can easily penetrate the cortex. As a result, the hair appears brittle, dull and frizzy. The use of intensive treatments and conditioning products helps to reconstitute the smooth structure of the cuticle layer. 

Vital Cycle Of Hair:
Hair growth occurs through a series of development phases. Most of the hair (about 8 out of 10) is in the growth phase (called anagen). In this phase, the new root is generated and the hair grows in a period of time that varies between two and seven years. Subsequently, one passes to a transitional phase (called catagen) lasting two or three weeks. 

At this stage, the production of cells in the follicle stops temporarily, the follicle shrinks and the hair falls out. About 1% of follicles are in the transient phase (catagen). During the next resting phase (telogen), the hair follicle regenerates, the cells start to multiply and new hairs are formed. About 10-20% of the hair is in this last phase, which lasts from two to four months.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dandruff Naturally

Dandruff appears when the scalp prematurely loses dead skin cells in excessive quantities. This can happen in cases where the scalp is fat or dry. There are also other causes of dandruff formation, such as stress, an unbalanced diet, hormonal changes as well as hot and dry air, frequent use of the hair dryer or aggressive shampoo. The solution is represented by the use of anti-dandruff shampoos with active ingredients such as octopirox and zinc pyrithione.

Hair Follicles:
The hair follicle is an oblique introversion in the scalp, in which the hair is inserted. The hair shaft grows the inside of the follicle. The sebaceous glands are located at the top of the follicle and provide the hair and scalp sebum. 

Grey Hair:
With The Help Of Specific Products, Gray Hair Can Be Wonderful:
The gray FUE Transplant Cost In Lahore Pakistan is not actually gray but rather a mixture of hair without color and pigmented hair, whose combination makes the gray hair appear. The hair turns white when the synthesis of melanin ceases in the pigment cells. In some people, this phenomenon is already manifested at a young age, while in others at an advanced age. Genetic factors determine the appearance of the first white hair. 

Hair grows about 0.3-0.45 mm per day, or 1-1.2 cm per month. It is virtually impossible that external factors affect hair growth. The maximum length of the hair varies from 40 to 80 cm. 

The main component of hair (like nails) is keratin, a very elastic protein. 

Duration Of Hair Life:
on average, a hair remains in the scalp from six to eight years before falling. The life span of the individual hair depends on genetic factors. In cases of severe hair loss, the life of the hair can be reduced to three or four years.

How is Hair Loss

Lose between 30 and 100 hairs a day is normal, although there are several factors that can cause more than 100 loss per day. In about 95% of cases, both for men and for women, the cause is due to genetic factors. Due to the excessive production of male hormones (androgens), the blood supply to hair follicles is reduced and, as a result, the hair is no longer fixed to the scalp.

The skin pigment, melanin, is also found in hair keratin fibers. The amount of melanin determines the light or dark color of the hair. As we age, the production of melanin is reduced and the hair becomes gray or white. There are two types of melanin: larger pigments, of brown / black color, of eumelanin and much smaller pigments, of a reddish yellow color, of pheomelanin. All the colors of existing human hair are formed by these two types of pigments. 

Hair Quality:
Our genetic makeup determines the formation of thick or thin Best Hair Transplant Surgeon In Pakistan. Pakistani consider thin hair with a diameter ranging from 0.04 to 0.06 mm, normal hair with a diameter between 0.06 and 0.08 mm and thick hair with a diameter between 0.08 and 0.1 mm.
Compared to the hair of asians, those of pakistan are much thicker. The average hair diameter of asians is 0.08-0.12 mm. The hair of pakistan has an like shape, while those of asians are more rounded and elastic.

The skin on the scalp resembles the rest of the skin and is just as sensitive. Despite the presence of hair, it is possible that there will be burns on the scalp itself. Cold, heat and other conditions can dry the scalp and cause itching and / or dandruff. For many reasons, the sebaceous glands of the scalp can produce an excessive amount of sebum and thus determine a fat scalp.

Best Fue Cost In Pakistan

The sebaceous glands are found almost anywhere on the skin, including the scalp. These glands produce fat, which protects the scalp and hair from drying out. Sebum synthesis may sometimes not work properly due to genetic predisposition, stress or hormonal changes. As a result, it is possible that the scalp and hair are fat or that the scalp is very dry. In both cases, it may cause discomfort to the scalp, with itching, redness or dandruff. 

Split Ends:
Only a pair of scissors can remedy serious cases of split ends. 

Long hair often has split ends. In most cases it is a consequence of mechanical stress such as the use of combs, brushes or rubbing with the shoulders. Frequent staining, discoloration or permanent use, as well as the use of heated Best Fue Cost In Pakistan instruments, can be a further cause of split ends. You can use split ends lotions to cover the ends with a thin silicone film that helps to improve the appearance of the hair at least temporarily. Otherwise, cutting is the only effective solution.

A single hair is able to support at least 100 g of weight without breaking. This means that the total amount of hair in total can support at least 10 tons. 

Structure: How Hair Formats Are:
About 80% of the hair consist of (a protein), 10-15% of water and the remaining 5-10% of pigments, minerals and lipids. The cuticles form the outer layer of the hair. The cuticle layer covers the inner part of the capillary stem, called capillary bark, which constitutes about 80% of the capillary mass. The coloring, the discoloration and the permanent act on the latter. 

Hair Volume:
The average total number of hair depends on the color: blond people have the most, about 150,000, who has black hair instead occupies the second place, with 110,000 hair, followed by brown hair, 100,000, and reds, 80,000.

A Good Awakening Even For Your Hair

Why waste the precious hours of the day while you can take care of your hair even while you sleep? To tell the truth, night treatments are the most effective. Discover the magic of night treatments. 

From Sunset To Sunrise:
Masks and hair treatments work if applied for at least 20 minutes, but show their true effectiveness only during the night. Make the most of the treatment before going to bed and massage the product at the end of the lock. Then use the hair dryer to take advantage of the heat and further enhance the action of the product. 

You could sleep with a light micro fibre turban or cover the pillow with a large towel. In the morning, wash and rinse your hair carefully: the application of the conditioner is generally useless. The Hair Transplant Cost In Lahore may be very soft and therefore difficult to style. Simply apply a little foam or lacquer to achieve the desired seal. 

Revive The Color:
The color of dyed hair tends to fade over time, but you can use specific masks or balsams to give your hair a new shine from evening to morning. The treatment, which contains pigments, coats the hair with a thin layer that intensifies the color and brightness of your hair. 

Strengthens The Hair:
During the night you can restore body to fragile, broken and dull hair. Treatments based on keratin and light dyes rich in essential components for the hair are particularly indicated, as the active ingredients are able to repair damaged hair. All you have to do is massage the product on your hair and have it work overnight: in the morning, after rinsing it, you can wash your hair as usual.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Main Process Of Fue Technology

1. According to the patient's medical history, scalp characteristics and hair loss, and the effect that the patient hopes to achieve by hair transplant, the attending physician will measure the hair density of the donor area of ​​the posterior occipital region and determine the number of hair follicles transplanted by each patient through fue technology; 

2, the surgical process will use a special precision instrument: use a biopsy needle to cut a small mouth around the transplanted hair follicle, and then use a small surgical forceps to extract a single hair follicle from the donor area, and sometimes need to use a special needle to the hair follicle fiber separated from the subcutaneous tissue. After the scalp is taken, it will heal automatically without stitching. In addition, hair follicles can be extracted from multiple regions rather than a single site, so the hair thickness of the donor region is not affected; 

3. The removed hair follicles are placed in the culture solution for cultivation to improve the survival rate. The monomer implantation is then carried out according to the normal hair growth density. 

Hair skill said, FUE Hair Transplant In Lahore is suitable for people who need to transplant a small amount of hair for a long time, people who have to shave their heads for professional reasons (such as models), people with bad medical history or scars, and people who can improve the scalp scar by hair transplant.

But not all hair loss patients are suitable for fue techniques, such as patients with large-area hair loss. Because the number of hair follicles extracted each time during a hair transplant is limited, too much extraction will result in unnatural hair in the donor area.

Fue is technically demanding. Anyone who lacks proper training should not perform this procedure. Appropriate training includes an assessment of the patient to determine the suitability of the fue technique. For example, biopsy the donor area to determine the characteristics of the hair follicle and the ease of extraction.