Saturday, December 22, 2018

Hair Dictionary: Important Information On Hair skill

What are your hair made of? Why do some people suffer from dandruff? How much can the hair grow? Consult our hair dictionary to find out interesting information about hair without neglecting some curious definition. 

Hair Color:
The pigments in hair follicles give the hair its natural color. The pigments are produced within specific pigment cells and are then transported through small channels to the keratinocytes, thus permeating the PRP Treatment Center In Lahore with color. In general, people with dark hair have a higher concentration of pigments than blond people. 

Cuticle Layer:
The cuticle layer forms the outermost covering of the hair. It consists of a single layer of keratinocytes similar to overlapping scales. The conditions of this external layer are indicative of the state of health of the hair. In an optimal situation, the keratinocyte scales are flat and form a smooth coating around the cortex protecting the inside of the capillary stem against external harmful agents. If the cuticle layer around the hair is intact, the structure is smooth and shiny. The hair shine is therefore a sign of healthy hair. 

In contrast, the cuticle layer in stressed hair (due to discoloration, permanent and frequent drying with very hot hair dryer) appears disorganized and rough. Under these conditions, harmful agents can easily penetrate the cortex. As a result, the hair appears brittle, dull and frizzy. The use of intensive treatments and conditioning products helps to reconstitute the smooth structure of the cuticle layer. 

Vital Cycle Of Hair:
Hair growth occurs through a series of development phases. Most of the hair (about 8 out of 10) is in the growth phase (called anagen). In this phase, the new root is generated and the hair grows in a period of time that varies between two and seven years. Subsequently, one passes to a transitional phase (called catagen) lasting two or three weeks. 

At this stage, the production of cells in the follicle stops temporarily, the follicle shrinks and the hair falls out. About 1% of follicles are in the transient phase (catagen). During the next resting phase (telogen), the hair follicle regenerates, the cells start to multiply and new hairs are formed. About 10-20% of the hair is in this last phase, which lasts from two to four months.

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